HC Deb 09 November 1948 vol 457 cc1359-60
11. Mr. Skinnard

asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the lack of heating and of clothes drying facilities at a section of the Army Barracks at Shorncliffe Camp used for the reception of young conscripts; and whether he will communicate with the camp authorities with a view to removing the causes of complaint.

Mr. Shinwell

The facilities for heating and clothes drying in the Army Barracks at Shorncliffe Camp are regarded as adequate. The extent to which they can be used is naturally governed by the allotments of fuel to the Barracks. Allotments are not rigid and the local military authorities have wide discretion to vary them to meet special requirements. There is therefore no reason why arrangements at Shorncliffe should be inadequate. I am, however, investigating the matter.

Mr. Skinnard

Will the Minister take into consideration the fact that some of the young entry soldiers at this camp are in low medical grades and that clothes drying facilities, especially for men who have previously suffered from lung diseases, are of great importance?

Mr. Shinwell

I propose to investigate the matter.