HC Deb 09 November 1948 vol 457 cc1355-6
4. Mr. Bowden

asked the Minister of Pensions how long a disability pension is payable to a pensioner who has suffered from a tropical disease after medical examination has shown a negative test for the disease.

Mr. Marquand

The disability pension payable to a pensioner who suffers from a tropical disease would not necessarily be affected by the fact that pathological tests became negative, since pension is assessed on loss of functional capacity, which may persist after the negative test.

5. Mr. Bowden

asked the Minister of Pensions what additional help can be given to a pensioner who is in receipt of a small disability pension only but through illness finds himself in need.

Mr. Marquand

If the illness arises from the war disablement and the pensioner needs treatment which prevents him from working, allowances at the 100 per cent. pension rate are payable. Sickness benefit under the National Insurance Act would also normally be payable in addition. Pensioners who have not acquired entitlement to sick benefit normally receive an allowance of 20s. per week while undergoing treatment. The normal social service provisions are, of course, available where the illness does not arise out of the war disablement. If the hon. Member has in mind any particular case of hardship and will let me have particulars, I shall be glad to arrange for the pensioner to be interviewed by one of my welfare officers.