HC Deb 08 November 1948 vol 457 c1263
42. Mr. Bowden

asked the Minister of Supply how many redundant ex—Army and R.A.F. vehicles are now stored in the British zone of Germany and what arrangements are being made to dispose of them.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

On 30th September, the latest date for which figures are available, the total number of vehicles was 18,225. Of these, 6,448 were sold and awaiting delivery, 2,535 were catalogued for sale, 7,194 were being examined for cataloguing, and 2,048 remained to be dealt with.

Mr. Bowden

Would my right hon. Friend say when all of these vehicles are likely to be cleared—that is, those that are usable?

Mr. Strauss

I cannot say. The Service Departments are continually throwing up vehicles for sale, and it must be appreciated that a large number of these vehicles have been so cannibalised that they are no better than scrap.

Squadron-Leader Fleming

Can the Minister tell us how many of these 6,000 vehicles were sold to Continental buyers and how many to British buyers?

Mr. A. R. W. Low

Who is responsible for maintaining and looking after these vehicles?

Mr. Strauss

The Control Commission act on our behalf in this respect.