HC Deb 04 November 1948 vol 457 cc1004-5
9. Mr. Platts-Mills

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he will now say why permission was given for Erwin Scholz, a one-time member of the Nazi Party and German ex-prisoner of war, to be in the United Kingdom; whether he is aware that this man is an associate of the Fascist movement; and if he will arrange for his immediate deportation.

10. Mr. John Lewis

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he is now in a position to make a statement on the inquiries he has caused to be made into the conduct of persons claiming to be members of a German group, named Ostara, and into the incident which took place recently at the International Spiritualists Congress held at Conway Hall.

Mr. Ede

Scholz was one of many German ex-prisoners of war who were discharged to civilian status in this country to work in agriculture. It is clear, however, that he is making no useful contribution to this end, and, as a result of the inquiries I referred to in my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Bolton (Mr. J. Lewis) on 22nd September, I have made an Order requiring Scholz to leave the United Kingdom and to stay out of it.

Mr. Plaits-Mills

Although I am sure the House are very pleased with that answer, could the right hon. Gentleman indicate whether steps will be taken to see what others of these German prisoners who have promised to behave nicely are behaving in a similar way?

Mr. Ede

Where any delinquency on their part is brought to my notice, appropriate steps are taken, but I have every reason to believe that the majority of them are decent, hard-working folk who are making a contribution to the recovery of this country.

Mr. Driberg

Could my right hon. Friend say if it is the case that the other person concerned in the particular incident was not a German ex-prisoner at all, but a British Fascist named Gaster, posing as a German, for some reason?

Mr. Ede

I must not be bound to any name without notice, but there was a second person involved with this man Scholz, and the second person was a British subject.