HC Deb 01 November 1948 vol 457 c499
30. Squadron-Leader Fleming

asked the Minister of Food what quantity of tinned foods was imported into the United Kingdom from Denmark, Holland and Norway during the last 12 months; and what amount of these imports has been condemned as unfit for human consumption.

Mr. Strachey

In all, 30,705 tons were imported. Of the Ministry imports of 15,744 tons, 2½ tons were condemned. It is not known what proportion of private imports were condemned.

Squadron-Leader Fleming

Is it not a fact that when an importer of tinned foodstuffs is lucky enough to obtain an import licence he is restricted by the Food Ministry as to the prices which he can charge, and that because of that fact he is restricted as to his choice?

Mr. Strachey

Well, he is restricted in the amount at which he can sell price-controlled goods that he imports.