HC Deb 06 May 1948 vol 450 cc1437-8
30. Sir W. Wakefield

asked the Minister of Health if he is aware of the concern of the St. Marylebone Borough Council at the loss of hostel accommodation at 42–46, Weymouth Street, W.1, formerly used by the Church Army and now to be used as offices by the Canadian Government Immigration Branch, in view of the shortage of suitable housing accommodation in St. Marylebone; and why was approval given, in view of the fact that several other properties, a list of which was submitted to him prior to his decision being given, were available for office accommodation and unsuitable for housing.

Mr. Bevan

Yes, Sir. As I have already informed the hon. Member, I very much regret the loss of this hostel accommodation. Approval was given because of the Canadian Government's urgent need for office accommodation.

Sir W. Wakefield

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that he himself, by this action, has done exactly what he has asked local authorities to refrain from doing? By his reactionary decision he is frustrating the housing progress of the borough of St. Marylebone.

Mr. Bevan

In a great capital city like London I have to weigh one claim against another. I am sure the hon. Gentleman would agree that sympathetic and courteous consideration should be given to an application by the Canadian Government.

Sir W. Wakefield

I am not suggesting that anything but sympathetic and courteous consideration should be given to an application by the Canadian Government, but I would remind the right hon. Gentleman that there are other places than this which could have been used.

Mr. Bevan

We cannot accept that.