HC Deb 03 May 1948 vol 450 cc895-6
36. Mr. Teeling

asked the Minister of Food what is the maximum price allowed to be charged for the selling retail of horseflesh for human consumption; whether this horesflesh is over and above the meat ration; and whether he can give any figures of the amount sold or licensed to be sold to catering establishments and private individuals during the past 12 months.

Dr. Summerskill

The maximum retail price is 1s. per lb. for all the main cuts. Horseflesh is not included in the meat ration. I am unable to provide the other information requested because we do not control the distribution of horseflesh.

Mr, Teeling

Is the hon. Lady aware that shops which now sell food for animals are finding it difficult to get enough horseflesh because of the increased supply being sold to catering establishments of less good types of horseflesh?

Dr. Summerskill

I invite the hon. Member to give me information. We grant a licence to those catering establishments and we have only given one—to the Belgian Club.

Mr. Teeing

Is the hon. Lady aware that my information comes in a reply from her Department?

Dr. Summerskill

That is quite wrong. The hon. Gentleman should not make those remarks in such a frivolous manner. I think we were dealing with the case of a man who had a wholesale licence and sold horsemeat for some dogs. The wholesale licence was certainly given by us but that man did not at the same time sell meat for human consumption.

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