§ Major Tufton BeamishOn a point of Order, Mr. Speaker, my attention has been drawn to the fact that my name appears as a supporter of the Motion Which stands in the names of a number of Socialist Members of Parliament referring to petrol for purposes of blood sports:
§ [That, in the opinion of this House, it is undesirable in present circumstances, when most owners of motor-cars and motor-cycles are unable to obtain petrol, that petrol should be allocated for purposes of stag-hunting, fox-hunting and other blood sports which cannot be regarded as being conducive to good agriculture, the effective use of manpower, or the efficient extermination of vermin.]
§ May I make it perfectly clear that I did not hand in my name and that I have no intention of doing so and that my name was, therefore, printed in error, and that I would not wish to be associated in any way with a Motion which is so clearly petty-minded, unnecessary and against the interests of the countryside?
§ Mr. SpeakerThe hon. and gallant Gentleman has now made his position perfectly plain.
§ Mr. Driberg rose—
§ Mr. SpeakerWe have two Ministers' statements and a private Notice Question, and it is Private Members' time that we are now taking.
§ Mr. DribergIn that case, Sir, I will consult you privately.
§ Mr. SpeakerI was going to make a statement. There is a Private Notice Question. I know that it is very difficult on the last day before the Recess, not to ask leave to ask Private Notice Questions, because there may not be an opportunity for getting an answer within 10 days or so, and I have allowed one. I have disallowed several because all this comes out of the limited Private Members' time in this Session. I am, therefore, also going to appeal to Ministers because this is, I think, the worst day of all for a Minister's statement to be made. There are two statements to be made, and they are important, and I shall be surprised if we do not lose half-an-hour of Private Members' time as a result. I hope that will be borne in mind for the Whitsun Recess when that comes along.