HC Deb 25 March 1948 vol 448 cc3321-2
17. Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

asked the Minister of Health, whether his attention has been called to the consequences flowing from the decision of the Court of Appeal in the case of Ellis and Sons, Amalgamated Properties Limited against Sisman; and whether, in view of the hardship to tenants of bombed property thereby occasioned, he proposes to introduce amending legislation.

Mr. Bevan

I am aware of this decision, but can hold out no prospect of early legislation.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that this decision has deprived certain of these tenants of the protection of the Rent Restrictions Act, and will he issue a circular to local authorities giving them guidance as to the course to be followed in regard to these unfortunate people?

Mr. Bevan

I will consider whether guidance is practicable in the circumstances, but I think the hon. Member will agree that this was an extremely delicate point of law on whether the house had been destroyed and whether the original tenancy was alive. Unfortunately, the house had been completely destroyed, and the original tenancy destroyed with it. There is a difficulty in such a case, but we will consider whether any help can be given.