HC Deb 25 March 1948 vol 448 cc3324-5
23. Mr. A. R. W. Low

asked the Minister of Health whether, in fixing the maximum number of houses which he will allow to be under construction at any given time in Blackpool, he has taken into account the 8,774 families on the waiting list for houses or of the great increase in population in recent years.

Mr. Bevan

The number of houses which should be under construction from time to time must be determined mainly by the possibilities of completing houses at a reasonable rate with the resources available.

Mr. Low

Surely, in allocating these resources over the whole nation, the Minister must have regard to the facts mentioned in the Question, and, in particular, to the fact that, in the last 10 years, the population of Blackpool has increased by 7,000?

Mr. Bevan

It is not only a question of local resources, but national resources. It means, for example, that it is no use giving authority to build more houses in a particular area if the national resources of timber are not sufficient. However, this matter has been considered, and I hope the hon. Gentleman will find that additional approvals will soon be given.

26. Mr. Low

asked the Minister of Health whether he has considered a letter dated 9th February, sent to his Principal Housing Officer by the Town Clerk of Blackpool on behalf of the Blackpool Corporation, requesting that in certain specified cases permission should be given to the Corporation to sell houses to persons on the Corporation's priority housing list; and what answer he has made thereto.

Mr. Bevan

Yes, Sir. The Town Clerk was informed in reply that as it is the Government's policy that the maximum number of houses should be available for letting, the sale of Council houses cannot be agreed to at the present time.

Mr. Low

Is the Minister aware that the Town Clerk gave as his reason for asking permission to sell certain individual houses that it was administratively wasteful for the Council to be responsible for houses scattered all over Blackpool, and did the right hon. Gentleman take that factor into consideration?

Mr. Bevan

I took all the factors into consideration, and I must say at once that I am disinclined to permit local authorities to sell houses to private individuals.