HC Deb 23 March 1948 vol 448 c2750
15. Mr. Symonds

asked the Minister of Pensions if he has now considered the suggestion that ex-Service men with one artificial leg should be provided with two shoes for the sound leg with every one given for the artificial leg; and if he has any statement to make.

Mr. Buchanan

Yes, Sir. The war pensioner who is supplied by my Department with a light pair of shoes on receiving his first artificial leg will in future be supplied with a second shoe for the sound foot.

Mr. Symonds

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the speed with which he has made this welcome concession will be much appreciated? As the difficulty of obtaining three shoes at a time will recur once the initial free issue is worn out, can there be some permanent arrangement to enable these men to obtain three shoes at a time and, in particular, can there be some adjustment of the wear and tear allowance to meet the extra cost?

Mr. Buchanan

In regard to the first part of the supplementary question, arrangements have been made that the supply of the extra shoe will be made at cost price, plus a very small percentage for working expenses. With regard to wear and tear, I hope at an early date after Easter to be in a position to say that we are able to make some adjustment to improve the position.

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