HC Deb 23 March 1948 vol 448 cc2754-5
24. Mr. Ernrys Roberts

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the consensus of opinion in Wales. as expressed at the conference held at Shrewsbury on 22nd January, 1948, and in the resolutions of local authorities and national bodies, that the proportion of land required by the War Office in Wales should be reduced to the general level for the rest of Great Britain; and whether he has investigated the proposal made at the Shrewsbury conference that the total area required in Wales should be reduced to 50,000 acres.

Mr. Shinwell

I am fully aware of opinion as expressed at the Shrewsbury conference on 22nd January, 1948, and by resolutions of local authorities and bodies, that the proportion of land required by the War Office in Wales should be reduced to the general level for the rest of Great Britain. I stated at the conference that I was not prepared to accept an arbitrary cut in the War Department land requirements in Wales to 50,000 acres, which could be achieved only at the expense of military efficiency, and I am still unable to accept such an arbitrary figure.

Mr. Roberts

Is not the Minister prepared to give detailed consideration to this proposal, having regard to the fact that his rejection was made on the spur of the moment, and will he not have regard to the overwhelming feeling in Wales on this matter?

Mr. Shinwell

I cannot possibly give detailed consideration to an arbitrary figure but, in fact, consultations are proceeding throughout Wales and, so far as I understand, they are achieving their object.

Mr. Hopkin Morris

Will the right hon. Gentleman bring these figures in Wales to a parity with the position in England and Scotland?

Mr. Shinwell

By a process of consultation and the use of reason we are endeavouring to do so.