HC Deb 17 March 1948 vol 448 c2066
7. Mr. Gallacher

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what system of rationing is in force in the West African Colonies; and how many persons are covered in each Colony.

Mr. Creech Jones

In Nigeria a rationing scheme for flour, milk and butter is in operation serving about 17,000 consumers. In the Gold Coast and Sierra Leone no official rationing scheme exists, but imported foodstuffs continue to be distributed by the main importers to their regular customers under the general directions of the local Supply Departments. No figures for the numbers of consumers concerned are available; but in all three Territories the system applies only to Europeans and to Africans who are accustomed to a European style of living. Information about the present position in the Gambia is being obtained from the Governor. Petrol is rationed to individual consumers in all four Territories.

Mr. Gallacher

Is the Minister aware that in the Gold Coast the average wage for a native is £4 a month and that for a European is £50 a month? What chance does that give the native to get any of the foods which are available there?