HC Deb 01 March 1948 vol 448 cc12-3
32. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Transport if he will state the number of applications for C licences made during 1947 and the number granted; and the increase this represents over the number in issue at 31st December, 1946.

Mr. Barnes

There were 253,548 C licensed operators and 487,151 C licensed vehicles on 26th December, 1947, showing an increase of 55,769 operators and 103,413 vehicles since 27th December, 1946.

Mr. Davies

In view of this very large increase in C licensed vehicles during the 12 months referred to, and the consequent increase in the consumption of fuel, does the Minister consider taking any steps at the present time to stop this increase continuing?

Mr. Barnes

No, I should not think it is necessary to take any steps at the present moment. My hon. Friend will recollect that during the passage of the Transport Act it was indicated that this process would necessarily be studied.

Mr. Peter Thorneycroft

Will the right hon. Gentleman give a perfectly plain assurance, not only at this moment, but in the future, that in no circumstances whatever will he try to preserve his transport monopoly by attacking C licences?

Mr. Barnes

I do not think that I can say anything further on what I said during the Debates on the Transport Act.

33. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Transport what was the number of C licences issued in January.

Mr. Barnes

Five thousand four hundred and forty-four new C licences were issued in January.

Mr. Davies

Does not the Minister realise that the issue of C licences is in- creasing progressively, and that the time will come when the situation calls for alteration?

Mr. Barnes

I do not think that I can add anything further to what I have just said.