HC Deb 29 June 1948 vol 452 cc1986-7
16. Mr. Vane

asked the Secretary of State for War what recent regulations have been published with the object of limiting the circumstances in which a Territorial officer may be allowed to resign his commission.

Mr. Shinwell

Instructions were issued during May, 1947, that for the time being application by officers to resign from the Territorial Army could not be considered, except in certain special cases; those who were unable, or did not wish, to continue their Territorial Army obligations could apply to transfer to the Territorial Army Reserve of Officers.

Mr. Vane

Does that answer mean that if an officer thinks that for business reasons he has difficulty in fulfilling his military commitments, that will be taken as an adequate excuse for his transfer to the Reserve?

Mr. Shinwell

Offhand, I should say "No."

Sir Ronald Ross

Does this restriction about resigning and the compulsory continuation of service apply to that part of the United Kingdom to which the National Service Act does not apply?

Mr. Shinwell

The Territorial Army is common to the United Kingdom and to Ulster.

Sir R. Ross

Does this restriction apply?

Mr. A. R. W. Low

Surely the right hon. Gentleman will amplify his earlier answer? I take it that there is no question of compelling old Territorial Army officers to remain on the active list, and that the only thing the Minister is trying to do is to keep them on the reserve list?

Mr. Shinwell

All I am trying to do is to retain the services of qualified Territorial officers.

Mr. Low

But not in their active capacity? Surely the Minister is not forcing old Territorial Army officers to remain on the active list today, because that is a completely novel idea?

Mr. Shinwell

I have no intention of retaining the services of officers who are not qualified.