HC Deb 23 June 1948 vol 452 c1347
40. Commander Pursey

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the amount of new naval tonnage, and the number of warships in the major classes, likely to be completed this year.

Mr. Dugdale

Such particulars of His Majesty's ships under construction as can be disclosed are given on pages 228–231 of the current Navy Estimates. Parliament and the Press are informed on each occasion when a new ship in the major classes is launched and when she commissions.

Commander Noble

Are there any alterations in the pages which the hon. Gentleman has quoted?

Mr. Dugdale

No, Sir.

Sir R. Ross

As regards the pages indicated by hon. Gentleman, and as regards ships which will not be completed according to Admiralty plans, is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that when a ship like the aircraft carrier "Powerful" is left in an incomplete state and nothing is done for months and years it deteriorates very much, whereas it ought to be completed in a reasonable time?

Mr. Dugdale

Naturally we bear that in mind with other considerations.