§ 4. Mr. Swinglerasked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of the fact that the numbers of persons employed in local government service and in the clothing trades are still increasing whereas reductions in manpower in these occupations were forecast in the Economic Survey for 1948, and in view of the prospect that the reduction in manpower in the building trade will be smaller than was estimated at the beginning of the year, he proposes to take any new steps or initiate any new consultations with employers and trade union leaders in order to carry out his policy for the redeployment of labour.
§ Mr. Ness EdwardsThere is constant consultation with both sides of industry on the means to achieve such redistribution of lat our as is necessary to man up the undermanned essential industries. As an example, individual employers are being seen in the textile areas for the purpose of transferring suitable workers to cotton production.
§ Mr. SwinglerBearing in mind the development during the first four or five months of this year, is the Minister satisfied with the progress made in his policy? Is he satisfied that he will be able to reach the objectives set out in the Economic Survey?
§ Mr. Ness EdwardsThat is rather a different question, and I would like to see it on the Order Paper.