HC Deb 22 June 1948 vol 452 c1106
7. Mr. Beswick

asked the Minister of Labour whether, in view of the reported increase in the first quarter of the year of 5,000 employed in the coalmining industry as against the Economic Survey target of 32,000; of 8,000 actual increase in the agricultural industry, against the target of 55,000; and 14,000 in the textile industry, against a 108,000 target, he is satisfied that the targets will be reached by the end of 1948.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Later figures are now available. In the first four months of this year the net increases were: in coalmining 6,000, in agriculture 20,000, and in textiles 18,000. The immediate effective demand for agricultural labour has in general been satisfied. In the coal-mining and textile industries a considerable increase in the rate of recruitment will be needed if the targets are to be attained. We are taking all possible steps to do so.

Mr. Beswick

Can my right hon. Friend say anything about the steps he has taken? As recruitment for agriculture has now almost satisfied the demand, is my right hon. Friend still proposing to bring further people over from the Continent?

Mr. Ness Edwards

We are bringing them now at the rate of 1,200 a week for mining and textiles.

Mr. David Renton

Does the increase which the right hon. Gentleman has described for agriculture include European Volunteer Workers who have come in?

Mr. Ness Edwards

Yes, Sir.