HC Deb 21 June 1948 vol 452 cc945-6
55. Earl Winterton

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that agricultural executive committees engaged in schemes of land reclamation are finding great difficulty in obtaining bulldozers, tractors and agricultural machinery and vehicles of all kinds required for this work owing to the fact that so many of the vehicles and machines in question are being exported; and if he will take steps to remedy this situation.

Mr. T. Williams

No, Sir. I know that supplies of certain classes of agricultural machinery, particularly crawler tractors, fall short of total needs, but I have not heard that any county agricultural executive committee is held up on land reclamation schemes for want of the necessary equipment. I should willingly look into any case of which I am given particulars.

Earl Winterton

Would the right hon. Gentleman say when the Government will produce the statement—which they are under an obligation to produce by July—for the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations on the subject of the requirements for tractors and all agricultural machinery in this country, and what this country is prepared to export? When will this paper, which has to be produced by July, be ready?

Mr. Williams

I am not sure of the particular paper to which the noble Lord refers. What I can inform him and the House, however, is that the output of agricultural machinery in this country is now double what it was last year

Earl Winterton

Surely the right hon. Gentleman is aware that the Government spokesman in another place—although I cannot quote his actual words—admitted that the Government were under an obligation to produce such a paper and said that it would be produced shortly.

Mr. Williams

It the paper is on the way, I will let the noble Lord know when it is likely to be published.

Earl Winterton

Surely the right hon. Gentleman does not wish to regard this matter lightly. It affects a very important organisation of the United Nations, and the Government, as has been plainly admitted by their spokesman, are under an obligation to produce this paper.

Mr. Williams

I can assure the noble Lord that I do not treat this matter lightly. If we are under an obligation to produce a White Paper for the Food and Agriculture Organisation, then that White Paper will be produced.