HC Deb 21 June 1948 vol 452 cc936-8
39. Air-Commodore Harvey

asked the Minister of Food what extra rations, over and above the normal catering allowance, is allowed to British European Airways for meals served in the air.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Dr. Edith Summerskill)

With permission I will publish the information, which is rather long, in the OFFICIAL REPORT. The hon. Member will notice that a new scale of allowances for flights outside the United Kingdom has just come into operation.

Air-Commodore Harvey

Will the hon. Lady say when this new scale came into operation, and is she aware that at the moment British European Airways are at a complete disadvantage compared with the continental lines? How can she expect this nationalised industry ever to make its way when it operates against severe competition?

Dr. Summerskill

The new scale comes into operation this week.

Following is the information:

Commodity Allowance to B.E.A. prior to 20th June, 1948. New scale of allowances from 20th June, 1948. Normal Catering Allowance
Main Meal Breakfast "A".* Breakfast "B".* Breakfast Main Meal Subsidiary
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8
Butter ⅓ oz. per meal ½ oz. ½ oz. ½ oz. 2/7 oz.
Cooking Fat and Margarine ½ oz. per meal ¾ oz. ¾ oz. ¾ oz.
Liquid Milk Normal catering allowance. Subject to a minimum of 6 pints per 100 meals. 1/10 pint 1/10 pint 1/10 pint 10½ pints per 100 beverages or 7 pints per 100 breakfasts, main meals and hot beverages.
Sugar ¾ oz. per meal 1¼ oz. 1¼ oz. 1¼ oz. ⅛ oz. per meal ⅛ oz. per hot beverage
Meat 3.7d. per main meal 3.7d. 6/7d.
Bacon ½ oz. per main meal or breakfast 1¼ oz. ½ oz. 1/7 oz. 1/14 oz. 1/20 oz.
Canned Milk Normal catering allowance
Points Normal catering allowance 13/84 13/84 13/84 13/84 13/42 13/84
Cheese 1/14 oz. 3/56 oz. per mea
Dried Egg ¼ oz. 2 oz. per 150 meals
Preserves ¼ oz. ¼ oz. ¼ oz. 1/7 oz.
Shell Eggs 2
Beverages, subsidiary and tea meals served in flight. Normal catering scale Normal catering scale
* Either Breakfast "A" or Breakfast "B" to be chosen as permanent scale.