HC Deb 17 June 1948 vol 452 cc622-4
7. Mr. De la Bère

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the fact that our imports from Canada are subject to British Government control, which has compelled the Newsprint Supply Company on more than one occasion to repudiate the agreements entered into for the purchase of newsprint from Canada, he will now prevent a repetition of this enforced repudiation by making a minimum allotment of £3,000,000 worth of dollars for the priority purchase of Canadian paper.

Mr. H. Wilson

As I informed the House during the Debate on the Board of Trade Vote on 25th May, the question of our future dollar import programme will have to be considered in relation to the whole European Recovery Programme, and at the moment it is impossible to make any allocation of dollars to the purchases of Canadian newsprint beyond the programme which has already been agreed for 1948.

Mr. De la Bère

Is the Minister aware that this country is only receiving one-third of its prewar supply of newsprint; that there is no real world shortage of newsprint; and that the discrepancy between supply and demand is very small? Why have other European countries a better supply than we have?

Mr. Wilson

First of all, I am aware that the supply of newsprint is far too small; secondly, I am aware that whether there is or is not a shortage of newsprint there is a world shortage of dollars; and, thirdly, I am aware, in spite of certain statements made by hon. and right hon. Gentlemen opposite, that this country is amongst the highest—it is the tenth highest of 37 countries—in consumption of newsprint per head. I should not be prepared to recommend to this House that we allocate dollars in that way until we can see the whole dollar situation more clearly.

Mr. Frank Byers

Would the Minister say whether the decision with regard to how much is to be allocated in the way of dollars will be taken before September of this year?

Mr. Wilson

It is very difficult to say that until the dollar position becomes clearer.

Mr. Wilson Harris

Has the right hon. Gentleman ascertained whether there is any prospect of a free grant of newsprint or dollars for newsprint under the European Recovery Plan?

Mr. Wilson

There has been no such offer.

Brigadier Medlicott

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of a recent statement to the effect that the Kemsley Mills under a special arrangement are about to make two and a half million dollars' worth of newsprint for the Hearst Press, and could it at least be arranged for earnings of this special character to be used for the purchase of further newsprint and not taken into the general dollar account?

Mr. Wilson

I am well aware of the arrangement which was made with Board of Trade approval. [An HON. MEMBER: "Shame."] It is not a shame. The particular programme is being carried out with materials, including sulphite, paid for with American dollars by American newsprint interests, and if we had not done it, there would not have been any additional newsprint available in this country. I cannot undertake that the earnings from that programme will be allocated entirely to newsprint and probably the hon. Member for Evesham (Mr. De la Bère) would be the first to complain if I were to cut down the feeding-stuffs programme in order to purchase more newsprint.

Mr. De la Bère

In view of the utter failure of the Minister to give an assurance of priority in this important matter and the utterly irrelevant matters that have been introduced, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the whole question on the Adjournment.