HC Deb 14 July 1948 vol 453 cc1191-2
34. Mr. Henderson Stewart

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what is the latest position in British Guiana resulting from the strike on sugar estates; and what action is being taken to end the strike and restore security to persons and property.

Mr. Creech Jones

The position as described in my hon. Friend's statement to the House of 7th July remains unchanged. The Governor is trying through independent intermediaries to end the present deadlock. The disaffected estates are still a proclaimed area, and additional police continue to be posted to protect property and persons. There have been no serious incidents nor damage to property since the disturbances of 16th June.

Mr. Stewart

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the sugar harvest will soon be starting and that, if peace is not re-established in the sugar estates, great trouble will follow and, therefore, does he not agree that strong action and statement by the local Government is absolutely essential?

Mr. Creech Jones

Yes. The Governor, of course, is very much concerned about the protracted stoppage and is taking all the steps he can to bring it to an end.

Mr. Piratin

Can the Minister arrange for the Commission which is making investigations into the Trinidad sugar plantations to look also into the case of Guiana?

Mr. Creech Jones

That is not practically possible.

Mr. Gallacher

Pay attention to the workers' demands.

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