HC Deb 06 July 1948 vol 453 c181
1. Mr. Erroll

asked the Secretary of State for War what are the results of his investigation into the number of civilians employed at Chilwell Central Ordnance Depot.

The Secretary of State for War (Mr. Shinwell)

I have recently visited this depot myself. I am satisfied that the number of civilians employed there is not larger than is necessary.

Mr. Erroll

Can the Minister state from his personal experience that they are doing a full day's work there?

Mr. Shinwell

Everybody I saw in the time I was there certainly was doing a full day's work.

Mrs. Florence Paton

Is my right hon. Friend aware that these repeated Questions are causing a great amount of unrest inside Chilwell depot? Will he make his statement clear and plain so that the workers can be satisfied that he is satisfied with them?

Mr. Shinwell

So far as I know, there is no dissatisfaction among the workers employed there. I have no information about dissatisfaction. From what I learned about the depot, everything is proceeding efficiently.

Mr. Erroll

Is it not the case that they are dissatisfied because they have not enough work to do?

Mr. Shinwell

Very rarely do people complain about having too little work to do.