§ 6. Mr. Platts-Millsasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what instructions he has issued to the British delegation in the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation relating to the proposal, in the plan submitted by the German Bizone Economic Administration, whereby the Anglo-U.S. bizone of Germany would receive Marshall aid credits totalling 1,230,000,000 dollars during the first year of the Marshall plan.
Mr. McNeilNo special instructions have have been issued to the British delegation on this point. The total deficit shown in the Bizonal Reconstruction Plan will he considered by the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation in the same way as the estimated deficits of the other participating countries. In the process, import and export estimates will doubtless have to be revised in order to relate them to the total amount of the European Recovery Programme assistance available.
I may add that the bizonal plan does not propose that the European Recovery Programme assistance should be provided to the full extent of the deficit. In practice, a very large part of the bizone's import requirements will be financed from governmental appropriations for occupied areas.
§ Mr. Platts-MillsWill it be possible to draw the attention of our delegation in the O.E.E.C. to the fact that the British people do not like the idea of Germany getting a bigger slice of Marshall aid than any single one of the Allied countries?
Mr. McNeilPerhaps my hon. Friend, with his well-known influence with the Soviet Government, will persuade them to observe their obligations.
§ Mr. Platts-MillsIs my right hon. Friend suggesting that the Russian Government are influential in O.E.E.C., and will he explain to the House what is the relevance of the introduction of his reference to the Russians in his answer to my very relevant question?
Mr. McNeilThe reference is mathematical; the deficiencies in the Western area will directly relate to the implementation of the Potsdam Agreement.