HC Deb 29 January 1948 vol 446 c1173
8. Sir P. Hannon

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will inform the House of any emergency measures adopted to stimulate sales organisation in the United States, the Argentine and Canada, following his plea to British manufacturers to display the utmost vigour in meeting competition in those markets; and if the Commercial Secretariats and Consular Services are being strengthened with this object in view.

Mr. H. Wilson

The Commercial Diplomatic and Consular Services in the United States and Argentina, and the Trade Commissioner Service in Canada, have all been strengthened in the last two years, and these three countries were specially visited last year to consider on the spot what further strengthening was necessary. A number of additional posts are being provided. My Department is constantly advising manufacturers as to the best methods of organising their export trade to these countries, and our representatives abroad are giving every possible assistance to visiting businessmen. There have also been a number of visits to each of these countries by delegations representative of particular industries w[...] wished to study local conditions at first hand.

Sir P. Hannon

Will the Board of Trade constantly keep in mind that, while production is of first importance in this country, in countries abroad the selling side is equally important?

Mr. Wilson

Yes, Sir, we have that very much in mind.