HC Deb 29 January 1948 vol 446 cc1178-9
17. Mr. Osborne

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will issue an import licence immediately for a small parcel of garden seeds sent from Rochester, U.S.A., by a sister to Mr. T. L. Ground, Park House, Louth, Lincolnshire, for which he applied on 14th December and again on 9th January without receiving any reply; and whether he will state the reason for delay in dealing with correspondence.

Mr. H. Wilson

A licence has now been issued. The hon. Member has been given full details in the reply to his letter of 20th January.

Mr. Osborne

Will the Minister see that we get quicker service from his Department, and that our constituents do not have to wait for this service until we put down a Question?

Mr. Wilson

I am anxious to see if we can speed up the service in these matters.

Mr. Butcher

Why does the Department take so long to deal with all its correspondence?

Mr. Wilson

I do not accept that imputation in the slightest, and certainly not as regards these cases.