HC Deb 25 February 1948 vol 447 c1949
47. Mr. Peter Roberts

asked the Minister of Food whether he will forthwith double the ration of preserves, at the same time making such increase in the preserve ration not exchangeable for sugar.

Dr. Summerskill

I regret that we are not in a position to do this.

Mr. Roberts

Is the Minister aware that in the Sheffield area and, I think, in the rest of the country, the stocks of jam in the grocers' shops are full, and the manufacturers have a surplus in reserve? Could not some of it be distributed, and so have the effect of bringing down the price of jam?

Dr. Summerskill

The hon. Gentleman is correct. I do not deny that there is plenty of jam in Sheffield just now, but he must realise that there are special factors operating. We have just made an issue of bitter oranges, with the result that women are taking sugar in lieu of jam. If we find, later on, that we have a surplus, we are quite prepared to give a bonus issue. The House must remember that a bonus issue represents 20,000 tons.

Mrs. Leah Manning

Is the Minister aware that the majority of women will resent the fact that they have to buy jam, rather than have the opportunity to make pure, wholesome jam?