HC Deb 23 February 1948 vol 447 cc1593-4
33. Mr. Bechervaise

asked the Minister of Food how many medical certificates, R.G. 50, are received in the London area, issued for confinements expected seven months or more from the date of the issue of the certificate.

Mr. Strachey

On the basis of a representative sample the number of expectant mothers in the area of the London Food Division who at 31st December, 1947, had presented a certificate of pregnancy (R.G. 50) more than six months before the expected date of confinement was about 5,500. I have no figures for the seven months' period.

34. Mr. Bechervaise

asked the Minister of Food how many ration books, R.B. 7, are returned because confinement has not happened, compared with the number of clothing books containing coupons, that also should be returned.

Mr. Strachey

I am sorry, but this information is not available.

Mr. Bechervaise

Is the Minister aware that there is a certain amount of perturbation among food executive officers concerning the number of ration books returned, as compared with the number of clothing books returned, because of the ineffectiveness of the certificates?

Mr. Strachey

I can see the difficulty, but to over-tighten the regulations—if I may so phrase it—in regard to expectant mothers would be undesirable.

sMr. Bechervaise

Has the Minister any ground for doubting the number of certificates which are issued at the seven months or eight months period?

Mr. Strachey

No, Sir, we have no grounds for it.