HC Deb 19 February 1948 vol 447 c1449

Amendment made: In page 28, line 43, at end, insert: and, where the said area or areas or either of them are counties, the council or councils submitting the scheme shall, at the same time as they submit it, send a copy thereof to each of the rating authorities within that county or, as the case may be, those counties."—[Mr. J. Edwards.]

9.30 p.m.

Mr. J. Edwards

I beg to move, in page 29, line 7, to leave out "six" and to Insert "nine."

Subsection (4) enables the Minister to make a scheme for an area if the responsible authorities—that is to say, the county and/or county borough council—have not submitted an acceptable scheme within six months of the date when this Clause comes into force, which will probably be fairly soon after the passing of the Bill. It has been argued that this period is too short. We have accepted that view, and here alter "six" to "nine."

Amendment agreed to.