HC Deb 19 February 1948 vol 447 c1442
Mr. J. Edwards

I beg to move, in page 20, line 24, to leave out from" as," to the second "any," and to insert: a person who is aggrieved by anything done or omitted to be done by the valuation officer in a valuation list or draft valuation list in relation to. This is the first of a series of Amendments to meet an undertaking given in Committee. It confers the right of appeal so as to allow third parties, including local authorities, to intervene by way of objection or proposal to any assessment of the valuation officers. This Amendment makes the necessary widening in the powers of the rating authorities which, as the Bill stands, are limited to the intervention of the owner or occupier of any particular property.

Lieut.-Colonel Elliot

I understand that all these Amendments are being taken together. They are very important additions to the Bill and bring in the right of third party appeal. We pressed for this on the Committee stage, and I am glad that the Minister has seen his way to insert this provision in the Bill.

Amendment agreed to.