§ 24. Mr. Scollanasked the Secretary of State for War what are the obligations of men discharged from the Services into Class "Z" Reserve; are these men debarred from emigrating; and have steps been taken to inform them of their position.
§ Mr. ShinwellMen released from the Service to Class "Z" of the Reserve are liable to recall in an emergency. They are not barred from emigrating, but permission to do so has, in the first place, to be obtained from their record office. I know of no case of this permission being withheld. The whole position is explained to the men when they pass through their release centre on demobilisation.
§ Mr. ScollanIs the Minister aware that a young man was quite recently charged with trying to leave the country without getting the necessary permission, and that he stated in open court that neither he nor any other soldier knew when they were being discharged that they had to get permission before they could emigrate?
§ Mr. ShinwellHe may not have known about it, but that is the law as it stands. All he requires to do is to make application, and then, no doubt, in normal circumstances the application will be granted.
§ Squadron-Leader FlemingWould it not be advisable to state the position on the release papers?
§ Mr. ShinwellThat is a suggestion which is worthy of consideration.