HC Deb 09 February 1948 vol 447 c4
5. Mr. Janner

asked the Minister of Supply whether he can give precise figures indicating the bulk allocations of iron and steel to be made to the various engineering industries, and in particular to the combustion appliance making industry.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

I regret that I cannot give details of the steel allocations made, or to be made, to individual industries.

Mr. John McKay

Is the Minister aware that there is a great deal of uneasiness in the Wallsend area about the allocation of steel for shipbuilding? Will he see that a sufficient allocation is made to guarantee full employment?

Mr. Strauss

I do not think shipbuilding has anything directly to do with this Question.

9. Mr. Edelman

asked the Minister of Supply whether he will increase the allocation of steel to the machine tool industry for the first quarter of 1948.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

No, Sir. Final allocations of steel for this period have now been completed.

Mr. Edelman

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the machine tool industry literally supplies the tools for national recovery? Would it not be better to maintain the steel allocation to that industry rather than to export that steel in unprocessed form?

Mr. Strauss

Not only have the steel allocations for this industry been maintained; they have been very largely increased.

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