HC Deb 03 February 1948 vol 446 cc1624-5
25. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what are the reasons for the slow rate of completion of the Lindsay, the Orlit, the Stuart, the Whitson-Fairhurst and the Wimpey permanent non-traditional houses in Scotland; and what steps he is taking to speed up this rate.

Mr. J. J. Robertson

After the initial stages of the development of prefab. types, progress was necessarily slow, and in addition these programmes, in common with others, were checked last year by bad weather and serious shortages of materials. I have good hopes, however, that a substantial number of houses of each of the type mentioned will be finished during 1948.

Mr. Willis

Is my hon. Friend aware that 1,300 of these houses were commenced over a year ago and that only 400 have been completed, and can he now give an assurance that he will take steps to speed up the completion of the remainder?

Mr. Robertson

Steps have already been taken to ensure that there will be a more regular supply of raw materials for the completion of these houses.

Mr. Gallacher

Can the hon. Gentleman say what effect the increase in the interest rate will have on the building of these and other houses?

Mr. Robertson

That is another question.

Mr. Gallacher

It is a very serious question.