HC Deb 16 December 1948 vol 459 cc1371-2
26. Mr. Donner

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that the Kingsclere Rural District Council have received advice from his Department not to proceed with the council's proposed housing scheme at Headley or in any locality likely to be affected by the proposed flooding of the Enborne Valley; upon what information was this advice based; and in particular whether it included bore hole results.

Mr. Bevan

It was suggested to the council in October in reply to a general question that it would be inadvisable to erect houses at the present time in the area which would be affected if the En-borne Valley water scheme were proceeded with. No bore-hole results have been reported to me.

Mr. Donner

If the right hon. Gentleman has no information about bore hole results will he request the Metropolitan Water Board to disclose these results, because otherwise Hampshire and Berkshire County Councils, which are unanimously opposed to this scheme, may themselves be driven, with the permission of the owners, to bore, which would be a waste of manpower and material and involve duplication of work already carried out?

Mr. Bevan

The hon. Member is continually pressing me to do something which is entirely illegal. These results are entirely the property of the Metropolitan Water Board. The matter does not come before me statutorily until an application is made.

Mr. Donner

Surely, the right hon. Gentleman could make a polite request?

Mr. Bevan

No, I cannot make a polite request. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh!"] In fact, it is almost impossible for anyone to make a polite request in answer to some of the representations from hon. Members opposite. This Question has been put upon the Order Paper over and over again. I ask hon. Members opposite to go and read the law before asking ridiculous questions.