HC Deb 08 December 1948 vol 459 c381
40. Commander Maitland

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether a decision has now been reached in regard to the disposal of H.M.S."Ajax."

Mr. J. Dugdale

No, Sir.

Commander Maitland

Why cannot we have information about this? For six months we have been asking the Government whether we may be told something which surely everyone in this country wants to know.

Mr. Dugdale

One reason, and a very important reason, is that we have as yet had no firm offer from the Chilean Government.

Sir R. Ross

Has it yet been decided that this famous ship shall not be given to a country engaged in aggression against the possessions of this country?

Mr. Dugdale

I cannot anticipate a decision when we have not even had a firm offer from the Chilean Government.

Mr. Donner

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say why we should sell this ship at all?

Commander Maitland

Does the Parliamentary Secretary's answer mean that we are still hawking this ship to the Chilean Government?

Mr. Dugdale

It does not mean anything of the kind.