HC Deb 06 December 1948 vol 459 cc27-9
56. Mrs. Middleton

asked the Minister of Agriculture what reports he has received from his Fisheries Officer with regard to the strike of fishermen at the Barbican, Plymouth, resulting from a dispute between fishermen and buyers about wholesale prices of pilchards.

Mr. G. Brown

Several reports have been received summarising the negotiations between the fishermen and the buyers. I am informed that on 3rd December the fishermen agreed under protest to accept an offer of 3s. per stone for canning and 2s. 6d. per stone for curing.

Mrs. Middleton

Is my hon. Friend aware that the men have gone back under protest and with a sense of grievance? Is he further aware that the price of equipment has gone up? For example, pilchard nets which were £3 to £4 each before the war are now costing between £20 and £24. Will my hon. Friend see that these men get a reasonable return for their perilous labours?

Mr. Brown

I said in my reply that the agreement had been come to under protest by the fishermen. The hon. Lady must remember, however, that this is a purely commercial dispute over a matter which is not one of price control. My Department has certainly kept in close contact with the various people concerned all the way through. As to the agreement, the best thing is to let it work itself out.

Mr. D. Marshall

Is the Minister aware that one of the great difficulties in the pilchard industry is the shortage of tins? Will he have "another go" at the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, who is sitting next to him, with a view to improving the tin position?

59. Mrs. Middleton

asked the Minister of Food what action he is taking to avoid the decline in supplies of fish being brought about by the strike of fishermen at the Barbican, Plymouth, and at some Cornish fishing ports.

Dr. Summerskill

I am glad to say that the pilchard fishermen have agreed to go to sea again, and the differences between them and the curers have been settled.

Mrs. Middleton

Is my hon. Friend aware that while the fishermen have had their prices cut to 2s. 6d. a stone, pilchards were selling on the open-air market at Plymouth on Saturday at 7d. a lb.? Will the Ministry of Food deal with this question of middlemen's profits with margins, which are bringing down the price to the producer and increasing the price to the consumer?

Dr. Summerskill

We do not control pilchards, so this matter is entirely outside our province.