HC Deb 01 December 1948 vol 458 c1986
19. Mr. Gammans

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what arrangements are being made to award financial compensation or pensions to the wives and families of Europeans and Asiatics who have been murdered in the terrorist campaign in Malaya.

Mr. Creech Jones

A scheme for the payment of compensation is to come before the Federal Legislative Council on 16th December.

Mr. Gammans

Cannot the right hon. Gentleman do something to hurry it up? In view of the fact that the Government can make arrangements to send money to French Communists at short notice, is it not outrageous that people have to wait six months before any compensation is given to the relatives of people who died in the service of the State?

Mr. Creech Jones

The facts are that certain temporary payments have already been made, but this was a special committee appointed by the Government. It has to be considered that there has been no loss of time in the preparation of a report. The report is now before the Government and will be taken in mid-December by the Federated Legislative Council itself.

Mr. W. Fletcher

Will the Minister give an assurance, to allay the great anxiety in the minds of these people, that compensation is to be paid when the necessary machinery is put in motion?

Mr. Creech Jones

I hope that it will be put in motion very speedily. The committee which is making recommendations is composed of representatives of each of the races involved.