HC Deb 23 April 1948 vol 449 cc2205-6
The Financial Secretary to the Treasury (Mr. Glenvil Hall)

I beg to move, in page 5, line 16, to leave out from "(a)," to "and," in line 20, and to insert: of Subsection (2) of this Section, payments out of moneys provided by Parliament; (c) where either of the employments is such an employment as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of the said Subsection (2), payments out of the Metropolitan Police Fund; (d) where either of the employments is such an employment as is mentioned in paragraph (e) of the said Subsection (2), payments out of moneys provided by Parliament or out of the Education (Scotland) Fund.

Mr. George Thomas (Cardiff, Central)

On a point of Order, Mr. Beaumont, I am sorry to interrupt my right hon. Friend, but are you not calling the Amendment in the names of my hon. Friends and myself?

The Deputy-Chairman

That Amendment will be dealt with on the next stage of the Bill.

Mr, Glenvil Hall

This is a drafting Amendment, intended to make it clearer from what source payments in the various instances to which this Bill is directed will be made. Clause 2 gives wide powers to devise new superannuation arrangements, to facilitate the interchange of staff between the Civil Service and teachers, between the local authorities and the teaching profession, and so on.

Amendment agreed to.

Mr. Glenvil Hall

I beg to move, in page 5, line 32, to leave out "and (c)," and to insert "(c), (d) and (e)."

This is a drafting Amendment, consequent upon the one which has just been accepted.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.