HC Deb 21 April 1948 vol 449 cc1883-4

Motion made, and Question proposed, "That the Clause stand part of the Bill."

Mr. J. S. C. Reid

I would like the Secretary of State to give us some indication of what he contemplates under Subsection (2) of this Clause. This Subsection gives the Secretary of State very wide powers to make additions to or modifications in Acts of Parliament which may be necessary in view of the provisions of the Clause. I appreciate that, as there are four cities and one burgh which have private Acts of different kinds, it might be that there are provisions in those Acts which require some modification by reason of the passing of these Clauses. If the right hon. Gentleman can assure us that that is what he has in mind, and that there will be—as I am sure there will be—full consultation with the proper authorities in those areas, I agree that this is a proper and convenient way of dealing with the matter; but, if there is anything beyond that, we should be told what is in mind. It is an unusual thing, particularly in connection with election law, to leave matters to the discretion of the Secretary of State, even though there is a chance of a Prayer on a negative Resolution. I hope the right hon. Gentleman can tell us what he has in mind with regard to this Subsection.

Mr. Woodburn

There are a number of statutory conditions applying to different local authorities in Scotland, and it might be that by experience we would find that the terms of this Measure did not quite fit in with the statutory conditions covering some of those towns. The only purpose of the Subsection is to provide for the adjustment of such matters without the necessity of an Act of Parliament, and I can assure the right hon. and learned Gentleman that we shall have full consultation before that is done.

Question put, and agreed to.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.