HC Deb 19 April 1948 vol 449 c1433
57. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what further action has been taken to deal with the problems and needs arising from German women who have or have had children by British Service men; and to what extent progress has been made to enable these women to possess at least the same rights as those available to British women in similar circumstances.

The Minister of State (Mr. McNeil)

I regret I am not yet able to add anything to the reply given to my hon. Friend on 3rd March.

Mr. Sorensen

Does that mean that, in the course of time, the right hon. Gentleman will be able to do something, or that he has nothing to add and intends to do nothing?

Mr. McNeil

It means that quite complex discussions are going on with the Service Departments concerned, and that, when these conversations are completed, I shall be in a better position to answer my hon. Friend's Question more precisely.

Mr. Sorensen

Does that mean that we may have some hopes that this problem will find some solution?

Mr. McNeil

As my right hon. Friend has already made clear, we have been considering this matter for a considerable time, and we do completely agree with my hon. Friend that we should continue to try to find some solution.

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