HC Deb 14 April 1948 vol 449 cc967-8
46. Colonel Ropner

asked the Minister of Food whether he has any statement to make with regard to the rationing of potatoes.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Dr. Edith Summerskill)

My right hon. Friend hopes to be able to maintain the present rate of allocation until the end of April, when the position will again be reviewed.

Colonel Ropner

Does the hon. Lady recall that the information I had some weeks ago was in regard to the termination of potato rationing? She, or her right hon. Friend, gave an assurance that an announcement would be made this week as regards the date when potato rationing would cease. Can she now say when an announcement will be made?

Dr. Summerskill

It is very difficult to make an announcement now because, as the hon. and gallant Member will realise, there is still time for a bad frost between now and the middle of May.

Colonel Ropner

If I put down the Question in the middle of May, will the hon. Lady be able to answer?

Dr. Summerskill


Mr. Butcher

Is the hon. Lady aware that the only potatoes available in working class districts are new potatoes at 1s. 2d. a lb.

Dr. Summerskill

No, Sir.