HC Deb 08 April 1948 vol 449 cc336-7
18. Mr. House

asked the Minister of Health if he will make a statement about the report of the Local Government Boundary Commission.

Mr. Bevan

The Commission have submitted their second annual report, which is being published today. The Government will consider it, and I would also commend it to the study of the House, of the public and, particularly, of local authorities. It raises far-reaching considerations which clearly require the fullest and widest discussion by all interested parties and sections of the community before final decisions are taken.

Mr. Eric Fletcher

Will the Minister bear in mind that the report issued today states that the Commissioners have not yet made a single order changing any boundaries; that they quote the Minister of Health as saying that "it is nonsense to talk about functions and boundaries separately"; that they point out that they have no jurisdiction over functions and will the Minister introduce legislation to give them jurisdiction over functions, which they have now suggested for the second time?

Mr. Bevan

I believe that my hon. Friend will agree that legislation on this particular matter will be highly contentious, highly involved, and unlikely to produce any very great unanimity among the local authorities concerned. In the Meantime, local authorities have been given guidance on what may happen, and I have no evidence that their activities are being hampered by the absence of orders.

Mr. Walker-Smith

Will the Minister at all costs resist, and continue to resist, the suggestion of the hon. Member for East Islington (Mr. E. Fletcher) and not extend to the Local Government Boundary Commission the question of functions which is a question initially for Parliament?

Mr. Bevan

It is not entirely a matter for legislation. A new Act would be required to extend the powers of the Commission for functions as well as boundaries. I think the House will agree that they are very closely related.