HC Deb 30 October 1947 vol 443 c1067
28. Sir John Mellor

asked the Minister of Health whether he is aware that an application was made by Messrs. Batemans on 20th January, and granted by his Department on 15th April, to cover with linoleum the stairs and landing at the Good Hope annexe to Sutton Cold-field Hospital; and why an application for a permit to purchase this linoleum was refused by letter dated 1st October from his Department to Messrs. Batemans under reference Py.20578/M.

Mr. Bevan

The shortage of supplies makes it necessary to impose severe restrictions on the use of linoleum, and permits cannot be issued to enable linoleum to be used for corridors, staircases and landings of hospitals and nursing homes. As regards the first part of the Question, I am looking into the matter and will write to the hon. Member.

Sir J. Mellor

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Ministry of Works has said that no permit was necessary, whereas the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Health have said that a permit was necessary? Are such conflicts among Government Departments settled by a majority? If so, is that the explanation of the extraordinary muddle?

Mr. Bevan

The hon. Gentleman is now perfectly clear about the position.