HC Deb 25 November 1947 vol 444 cc1764-5
6. Mr. Sidney Shephard

asked the Minister of Labour which trades are open to skilled Poles at present in the Resettlement Corps.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Members of the Polish Resettlement Corps can, speaking generally, be empleyed in any trade, provided that the wages and conditions are not less favourable than a British worker would receive in a similar capacity and that there is no suitable and willing British worker available for the job. Vacancies in certain undermanned industries are:

Men. Women.
Coalmining 8,131
Agriculture and Forestry 7,788
Building brick and allied industries 4,648
Cotton 3,625 19,594
Textile bleaching, finishing, etc 360 954
Mr. Shephard

Is it not a fact that there are many skilled Polish technicians in this country who are unable to obtain employment because of trade union opposition? In view of the overall labour shortage here, will the right hon. Gentleman consider taking some action to overcome the objections?

Mr. Ness Edwards

I will, with permission, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a list of 40 agreements that have been made with various industries. I think that the emphasis should be laid on the other side, that is, that Poles cannot live in this country without contributing something to its economy.

Following is the list:

Agreement as to the conditions under which Poles may be submitted to vacancies has been reached in the following industries:

Coalmining. Wholesale Clothing.
Gas. Bespoke Tailoring.
Agriculture. Boot and Shoe.
Building Brick and Allied Industries. Railways.
Whiting and Concrete Products. Land Drainage.
Refractories. Hosiery.
Tin Plate and Sheet Steel. Chemical.
Quarrying. Hairdressing,
Building. Ball Clay and China Clay.
Civil Engineering.
Iron and Steel. Rayon.
Plasterboard. Textile Bleaching and
Sand and Gravel. Finishing.
Asbestos Cement. Woollen and Worsted.
Inland Waterways.
Cotton. Home Grown Timber (England and Wales).
Electricity Supply.
Cement. Rubber Manufacture.
Cooperage. Trawler Fishing.
Narrow Fabrics. Tin Mining.
7. Mr. Shephard

asked the Minister of Labour what facilities are available to Poles in the Resettlement Corps to undertake a vocational training course.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Members of the Polish Resettlement Corps are eligible for courses under the Vocational Training Scheme on the same terms as British ex-Service men provided that their allocation to a training vacancy would not deprive a British subject of a training opportunity and provided that the representatives of the industry concerned have agreed to the absorption of Polish trainees.

Mr. Shephard

Could the Minister say how many Poles have taken advantage, of this opportunity?

Mr. Edwards

I could not, without notice. Perhaps the hon. Member will put the question on the Paper.