HC Deb 19 November 1947 vol 444 cc1120-1
14. Mr. Shepherd

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will make a statement setting out the facts known to His Majesty's Government, concerning the financing and organisation of illegal immigration into Palestine.

Mr. Creech Jones

His Majesty's Government are in possession of a great deal of information about this traffic, but I regret that I do not consider that it would be opportune to make a detailed statement at the present moment, when the main problem of Palestine is under close discussion by the United Nations.

Mr. Shepherd

Is it not desirable, in view of the allegations which have been made against us, that we should give to the world all the facts now in our possession about this traffic?

Mr. Janner

Can my right hon. Friend give to the House the total number of Arabs residing illegally in Palestine, and can he say whether reductions are made from the monthly quota for Arab immigration on that account?

Mr. Creech Jones

That does not arise on this Question.

Mr. Stokes rose

Mr. Speaker

It is quite obvious that we could go all over the place if we went on with this Question.

Mr. Stokes

On a point of Order. As I have been unable to pursue this matter, Sir, I beg to give notice that I shall raise it on the Adjournment at the earliest possible moment.

Mr. Janner

On a point of Order. With respect, Sir, the main Question referred to illegal immigration into Palestine, and I was referring to illegal immigration over the borders of Transjordan, Egypt, and so on, by Arabs.

Mr. Stokes

Further to that point of Order. As my supplementary question would have dealt with where the money comes from, and representations to the United States, would it be in Order to ask it now, Mr. Speaker?

Mr. Speaker

No. I should have opened up a wide Debate if I had let the Question go on.