HC Deb 19 November 1947 vol 444 c1133
44. Mr. Sidney Marshall

asked the Postmaster-General whether he will consider making some re-allocation of duties of counter officials in some of the larger post offices, so that such things as postage stamps, registered envelopes, etc., could be obtained from every serving department and thus avoid queues.

The Postmaster-General (Mr. Wilfred Paling)

It is the policy and practice so to spread the work at post office counters as to reduce queues to a minimum but this object would be defeated if every clerk was required to sell registered envelopes and stamped stationery. Additional to the stamp clerks most other clerks can supply postage stamps in small quantities. If the hon. Member has any particular counter in mind and will let me know, I shall be glad to investigate to see if anything further is possible to speed up the service.

Mr. Marshall

If I give the right hon. Gentleman the name of a post office where the practice which he has mentioned is not followed, will he have the matter looked into?

Mr. Paling

Yes, Sir.