HC Deb 18 November 1947 vol 444 cc985-6
57. Colonel J. R. H. Hutchison

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he has accepted the invitation from the Benelux group of countries to discuss the possibility of forming a European Customs Union.

Sir S. Cripps

Yes, Sir. In accordance with a declaration made by a number of the Governments (including His Majesty's. Government) represented on the Committee of European Economic Co-operation during its Paris meeting, the Customs-Union Study Group held its first meeting in Brussels from 10th–14th November. The Group decided that the first step should be to examine the possibility of arriving at a common tariff and, in order to illustrate the problems involved, agreed to set in hand, at once, a study of the basis on which a specimen common tariff, applicable to all the countries concerned, might be prepared.

Colonel Hutchison

In view of the very important démarche which this represents, will the right hon. and learned Gentleman say when the report of this group will be made available to the House?

Sir S. Cripps

I am not quite sure whether there is any published report, but if there is I will certainly look into it.