HC Deb 17 November 1947 vol 444 cc819-20
98. Mr. Hastings

asked the Minister of Food what arrangements he proposes to make to ensure that the receipt of the permitted quantity of potatoes will not in future depend entirely on securing the good will of the retailer, as in the case of oranges.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Dr. Edith Summerskill)

My Department will do all it can to ensure that a sufficient quantity of potatoes is sent into each consuming area and thus counteract any tendency towards restrictive practices. Moreover, action will be taken against anyone proved to be making conditional sales.

Mr. Hastings

What is to prevent a retailer supplying what is in short supply, first, or indeed only to his account customers, as happens today with oranges?

Dr. Summerskill

I can assure my hon. Friend that if there is a deficiency, the retailer has only to inform us and we will send him supplies.

Mr. J. S. C. Reid

The hon. Lady says that her Department will do all it can to ensure sufficient supplies. Are we to understand that this 3 lb. ration will in any event be available to everybody?

Dr. Summerskill

We hope so.

Mr. Joynson-Hicks

Will the hon. Lady assure the House that the quantities sent to areas will be sufficient to cover the ration, notwithstanding the wastage which may be expected in the sacks as the season goes on?

Dr. Summerskill

That is what we are endeavouring to do.

102. Mr. Hogg

asked the Minister of Food for what reason the proposal to ration potatoes was not first announced to the House of Commons.

Dr. Summerskill

My right hon. Friend would certainly have made this announcement in the House if it had been possible but it was essential to bring this scheme into operation at the beginning of a week and that any announcement should be made after the close of business on Saturday to prevent a run on the shops.

Mr. Hogg

Does that answer mean that the right hon. Friend of the hon. Member was unable to bring this scheme in at the beginning of the week because he only made up his mind about it in the middle of the week?

Dr. Summerskill

My right hon. Friend made up his mind at the right time, and brought in the scheme at the right time.

Mr. J. S. C. Reid

Can the hon. Lady assure us that there was no run on supplies following the premature announcement of the scheme by the Foreign Secretary?

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