HC Deb 17 November 1947 vol 444 c810
67. Mr. Marples

asked the Minister of Works whether the reports made by the Committee appointed on 5th June, 1947, to keep under review the prices of building materials will be published.

The Minister of Works (Mr. Key)

The purpose of this Committee is not to undertake a particular inquiry and to report, but to act in a continuing capacity, making recommendations to me on matters referred to them from time to time. Publicity will be given to any important decisions arising from their recommendations.

Mr. Marples

Is it not a fact that an analysis of the present high cost of building would be facilitated by the regular issue of reports from the right hon. Gentleman's Department.

Mr. Key

Things are referred to this Committee which arise from my Department, and we give them specific problems to deal with. We shall see to it that any information from the Committee that would be of value is published.