HC Deb 11 November 1947 vol 444 c184
22. Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

asked the Minister of Labour for what purpose officials of his Department call at retail shops to inquire into the prices of articles whose prices are fixed by the Ministry of Food.

Mr. Isaacs

The inquiries are made for the purpose of compiling the index of retail prices, which is based on prices actually charged. The Ministry of Food orders specify maximum prices, and it is found that such prices are not invariably charged. Inquiries are, however, dispensed with for a number of foodstuffs for which the price is known to be uniform over the whole of the country.

Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many men and women are employed on this important task?

Mr. Isaacs

I dare say I could if the hon. Gentleman would put a Question on the Order Paper.

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